Well, it looks like its all gone a bit ‘Titanic’

Well, I just couldn’t wait.

It appears after a posting on THF by venerable Phoenix fan Tambo, that the proverbial shit has hit the metaphorical fan, and the EIHL is about to go with 6 teams next season:

Sheffield Steelers
Nottingham Panthers
Cardiff Devils
Coventry Blaze
Belfast Giants
Hull Stingrays

Allegedly, a board meeting took place today, to which ourselves, Edinburgh, and Newcastle were not invited. Indeed, it seems that the meeting may have taken place without the knowledge of the 3 excluded teams.

If this is true, then the EIHL is fucked. Sorry to be so blunt, but its true. Last time we had a 6 team league it died on its arse (the ISL). Seems some people either have very short memories, or are so ignorant and stupid that they can not see history repeating itself. Wankers.

So, what of the 3 ‘expendables’? Where do we go? What do we do? We’re all doomed!

Not quite.

The obvious options are as follows:

1: The 3 teams approach Dundee, Fife, Paisley, and maybe Whitley, and form a new ‘Northern LEague’, similar to the EPL (4 imports, weekend only games).

2: The 3, plus Dundee, Fife, and maybe Paisley approach the EPL about forming a new Northern Division of the EPL, alngside the Sheffield Scimitars.

3: Newcastle and ourselves apply to the EPL. Edinburgh become SPL.

Of course, this could all be bollocks, but something tells me there is more than an element of the truth to all this.

Stay tuned, peeps…its gonna be a hell of a ride.

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